Musical differences between two towns

There`s so many differences between the two, Norwegian, Arctic towns Vadsø and Vardø.
Their names are the almost the same. But that`s about it.
Vardø is situated at the coast, the most eastern part of Norway. The weather, the nature and the people; They are all quite strong.
I`ve never heard someone swearing more than the people of Vardø. The strong words are used in every single sentence.
And they are so open. So direct. So welcoming. But you have to understand their way of behaviour.
One of their strong words are for example "horsecock".
If you arrive to the town, they might meet you on the street, asking;
-Well, what kind of horsecock are you?
It simply means;
-Who are you?
The music is also different.
We were some guys from Vadsø, going there to help a local choir with a rehearsel. Joining a concert celebrating their 1000 years this summer.
When we came to their house, we were first met by thick tobacco-smoke, and four women chatting and laughing.
In another room people were drinking coffe. And chatting and laughing even more.
We had a very short reharsal. Singing just two songs. And then it was back to the coffee and smoke again.
And raffle over two bottles of red wine.
When we left, they were shouting goodbies, chatting on, drinking more coffee and maybe even some redwine.
All in a happy social community.
I`m looking forward to the concert in Vardø.

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