Farewell to an old friend

I`m this kind of guy who hate to throw away things. Thypical men, I guess.
Almost all my furniture I got for free. Given from friends who have moved away or needed som new stuff.
Like this sofa. Who has served me faithfully for many years. But lately it became broken here and there.
-Why don`t you throw it away and buy a new one, a girl asked me.
But I declared solemn that I would never, NEVER pay 10 to 15 thousand Norwegian Kroner for a new sofa. Nope.
Later I explained my Congolesian friend that Norwegian women always want to throw away old stuff and buy new.
-Yeah, the Congolesian guy replied.
-That`s how it is in Congo as well.
Once I saw this fine sofa at the local antique shop. The prize was only 3000,-
But I was too late.
But then I got help. Someone wanted to give away their sofa again.
And the faith wanted it to be excactly the same sofa as the one at the antique shop.
So then I saved 3000!
Now the old sofa is carried out.
It lies out in the rain with it`s stomach up and understands nothing.
Here's and idea. Donate the sofa to someone or a chairty organisation who may need it.
Nice blog.... I like the pictures.
Well, thankyou very much!
I believe you are the first "foreigner" who writes in my English blog.
Charity is ofcourse a good idea. But I think this one will be slaugthered, chopped into wood and put into my stove to warm up my house.
So in one way it will come to use.
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