The grey period

This is the psycological coldest period in the whole year. May and june with five degrees Celsius, cold, cold Eastern wind, and a thick, grey layer of fog up in the sky.
I`m standing at the window with my coffeecup, just watching it all. Nothing else to do.
My "forest", which I planted ten years ago in my garden, is still very, very small. And it knows that there`s no reason to show off with any green leaves for a long time yet. After ten years of experience.
A sparrow tries to sit on one of the thin branches. But it finds out that it`s best to wait at least another ten years.
And up in a pole a seagull screams so loud it goes through both my marrow and bones.

No river. Just the (grey) road.
But the Varangerfjord is just down the hill. Very beautiful. When the weather is not grey, ofcourse.
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