And now: Some music and comercials...

The musical group Daap has made some demos of their music and put them on their netpage.
The group plays a mix of rock, old, Nordic hymns and folk music, Congolesian rhythms and songs and worldmusic.
The group is from Vadsø, in northeastern, Arctic Norway.
Throughout the history, the town has been housing the indigenous Saami people, Norwegian officials, Finnish immigrants and Russian traders.
Right now there is about 50 different nationalities and cultures in the small town. Among them, refugees from all over the world.
So, Daap wants to reflect both the history and the culture today in their music.
The demosongs are the Gregorian and Finnish hymn "Jesus Christus Uhriks Meille" and the Norwegian hymn and folktune "Overmåte full av nåde".
Soon there will be a cd.
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