Our first salmon!

But finally. The net was out. And the next day, already one salmon was caught. With a good help from Geir.

Maybe you have been eaten "Norwegian Salmon". But that is most likely raised salmon. What I got, is the real stuff. Wild salmon caught on it`s way to the river.
This is the first one, since we moved to the farm. So, the day was historical. And the fish had to lie as a cup in the garden.

Then the excellent soup.

And now some updates.
2. day:

Two salmons, 3 and 5 kg. Fried salmon for dinner, one ready to be smoked.
3. day:

Not so much. A small "russian salmon" (a different kind, mostly living in Russia), a cod and a fish I dont know the English name on (in Norwegian; "rognkjeks". Looks something like the moonfish). The only thing to eat on it, is the fish eggs.
We put the salmon in the freezer, had boiled cod for dinner, with fried fish eggs.
4. day:

5. day:

Now we`re talking! 10 salmons! One at 10 kilo.

Two guyes from Liberia joined. it was the first time for them in a small boat out at the sea. And 6 new salmons.
2... and a big bird...
And the rest of the season:
1 each day.
All in all a good catch.
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