The psychology of cloudberries

I went up the mountain one early Saturday morning.
Climbed up through bushes and rocks.
And was suddenly up on the flat mountain plateu.
So relieving to breath the mountain air and to watch the open scenery.
I started to search the berries. Found someone here. Someone there.
And suddenly...this huge amount.

Many of them was still immature. But things happen with me when this occur. The heart beats faster. the picking gets faster.
And when I look at the horizon, I see something disturbing. Two humans. Far away. And they are picking berries.
-Damn, damn, I was thinking.
-Don`t come here!
They didn`t come, but disappeared in the horizon.
So I finished and went back to the fjord again.
Going down, i met an old couple. They seemed so harmonic, walking at the mountain.
-Are you the one we saw at the cloudberryfield, they asked.
Yes, I answered. And got embarrassed since I almost had thoughts of murder up at the mountain.
They were so nice. Said it was still a lot of berries to find. And soon the hunt for mountain birds would start.
-You can come by our cottage and get a bird, they said.
I said thankyou, and went down the last bit of the journey.

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