Thursday, July 07, 2005

Magazine for homeless

Inbetween shopping and restaurants in Oslo, I did something good.
I bought the magazine "=Oslo" from a homeless.
This is a new project similar to "the big issue" in England.
The homeless buy the magazines for 20 kroner and sell them for 40.
The guy who sold it to me, didn`t want to sell too many magazines. He was afraid it might lead to a too large consume of heroine.
And he hoped I didnt buy the magazine only out of kindness.
I didn`t know what to answer.

But the main reason is that I know one of the guys who has worked very hard to make this project come true.
Per Kristian has for a long period been working to raise money og make people realize the necessity of the project.
Now, after a big interest from the media, the magazines are nearly sold out.
You can understand that he is proud.
And it feels good that such persons still excists in our world.
=Per Kristian


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