Saturday, May 24, 2008

It`s a bit jumpy

This happened last winther. At the dark period.
The farm has given us quite a lot of challenges. It`s our first year at the farm. Everything is so new. We had to try and fail. It felt something like Dantes journey down to hell.
It started with a fire we put up at the seaside when we tried to get rid of some old mess. The smoke went the wrong way. Right to the neighbours house.
We were too late all the time. The boat was supposed to be brought to shore long time ago. But we didn`t manage until very late at the winther, when it was all dark.
The boat was tied out in the sea. I had to walk out to it. I borrowed a divingsuite. When I was out there, I realized it was madness. It was all dark. It was quite windy. And the sea was high. Very high. Up to my neck. On top of this I borrowed my wifes very expensive fox hat. After all it was very cold. But the hat blew off.
I managed to get onboard the small, wooden boat. Got it to the shore. And I was alive.
My next project was to park the tractor at the garage. But the door was to low. "Scratch...". The excaustpipe and the roof of the tractor almost broke off.
A friend of me helped me to rebuild the door. So from now it`s no longer too low.
The snow came. In huge amounts. I started to clear it away with the plough and the tractor. But the wheel came into a hole. It turned out the be a big hole. Where our, how should I say, our leftovers were stored. The tractor got clear. But the hole was full of materials and broken woods.
Soon the toilet was stuffed because of this. I had to put on the diving suite again. This time to dive into this hole. My life would never be the same after that.
During the late winther it blew up to a storm. A very heavy one. We were inside, eating supper when we heard a thunder. It came from our trampoline. That was lifted off and flew a hundred metres just upside our house. We should have taken this trampoline inside long time ago. But ofcourse we didn`t until it was too late.

Someone might wonder what we are doing at a farm with all these mistakes.
But there has been some progesses too. Which is too dull to write about. And all the mistakes is what we learn from.


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