Saturday, August 27, 2005

Farewell with the breeze of an Indian summer

Someone is leaving us again. Who had a party at the beach yesterday.
Lot`s of people coming. But noone was sad. Because we all knew that she would come back sometimes.

And then it was the weather. I just have to return back to that subject. The weather gods continuously surprises me. Cause yesterday it was a kind of Indian summer.
A bit windy. But warm. So warm that we could sit in our t-shirts.... At least near the fire.... Pretty unusual in the Norwegian, Arctic town Vadsø. At this time of the year.
The wind was playing joyfully with us. There was music. Guitar, singing, harmonica and light drums. The atmosphere was relaxed.

Then. Suddenly to day I woke up by a crash. The coffee pot had fallen down outside at the veranda. It was taken by the wind. And the wind was increasing. But still it was warm and soft.
......yes,yes,yes......... that`s how the days go by around here....

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Spectacular spectaculous!

The very changing weather is a subject I continuously turn back to. When it`s changing.
And now, with powerful, dark clouds of thunder, heavy rainfalls and suddenly glimpses of the sun, it gives this spectacular view one wednesday afternoon.
The rainbow was shining in 180 degrees. It was so bright and big, that my camera didn`t manage to capture it all.
But it was a view. For both humans and animals.

Whereever you turned around, the sky was spectacular.

...The title is by the way collected from one of my favourite movies; Moulin Rouge. Quite spectacular that one too... But not like this...

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Grey weather, sweet strawberries

It`s raining. Pretty grey and bad in all aspects. So, the strawberries lights up the horizon. Since the weather has been changing this summer, the strawberries have been slow to become tasty. But it seems like they`ve had a fine time under their cover.
It won`t be so many of them. But the eternal Arctic summer light makes them very sweet and tasty indeed.
And eating my own strawberries from my own garden makes me even more happy.
Ofcourse quite proud too, to have my own strawberries in the Arctic, 70 degrees latitude.

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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Lilac melancholy

Sure they`re beautiful. But these flowers gives us a warning that the summer is soon over.
sure enough. It has become cooler.
And soon the holiday is over.
Oh, well...

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Festival in town

If you should be somewhere nearby Vadsø, the town at the corner of the world, you ought to know there is a festival in town now.
From Wednesday 10.8. until Saturday 13.8.
This is the greatest festival you can find in Eastern Finnmark.
With many famous groups.

However I would like to tell about some of the local groups who participate:
Loose Ends; Exciting bluesgroup from Vadsø with new and their own material,
Whateverland; They write their own material and have a wonderful thythm section.
Daap; who plays old, local hymns now in a new and "electric" way.
Daap are playing on Wednesday 10.8. around midnight at the hotel, and 12.8. one o clock in the Festivaltent.

Other concerts and times;

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